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Bible - Microsoft Bookshelf Edition

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: October 26, 2017
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  • 1. Initially, Lord Bit and Byte were created. And create from these Rec.
    2. They were in the river of two Bits, and there was nothing more. And the Lord separates the Unit from Zero. And the Lord saw that this was good.
    3. And the Lord said, let it be the Information. And so would. And the Lord said, "Let the Information be the proper place." And he created the floppy disks, hard disks and compact discs. And the Lord saw that this was good.
    4. And the Lord said, let there be a computer, where floppy, hard and compact discs can be put on, and call it Hardware. And the Lord saw that this was good.
    5. And then there was no Software yet. But the Lord makes the Programs, big and small in their kinds. And said, Lord, multiply and fill the memory.
    6. And the Lord said: Let's create a Developer, and some Programmer creates new Programs, and he manages Computers, Programs, and Data.
    7. And the Lord of the Developer was created, and placed in the ERC. And the Lord of the Spirits showed him, and the Lord said to him: He freely uses every directory and subdirectory, but Windows CAN NOT use!
    8. And the Lord said: It is not good that the Programmer is alone. He sneaks up and pulls out a rib, and he creates another, he looks at the Programer, who loves what the Programmer is doing, and calls the Lord this will be the User.
    9. And they were the Developer and the User there under the DOS naked, and they see the Lord, that's good.
    10. But Bill is smarter than the Lord and every other being. And Bill asks Members: Is it Lord, do not use any program?
    11. And the user replies: The Lord said that we can use every program, each Data, but said that we never use Windows because we will die.
    12. I told Bill to the User: How can you talk about something you did not even try? The moment you run Windows, you'll be like the Lord. You will be able to produce anything by clicking on MISA!
    13. And the user sees that the fruits of Windows are more beautiful and easier to use. And he sees the User that every knowledge is coherent, because Windows can replace all the knowledge.
    14. And the user installed Windows on the computer, and told the developer that this is good.
    15. And the Programmer will immediately start looking for new drivers. And the Lord asketh him, saying, What are ye seeking?
    And the Developer replies: I'm looking for new drivers because I can not find them in the DOS. And the Lord said: Who told you that you need new drivers? Did you run Windows? And the Programmer replies: Bill told us!
    16. And he said to Billa: Because of what you did, you will be humbled by every being. And the user will be unhappy because of you. And you will have to sell Windows from now on to eternity.
    17. And the Lord said to the Benefactor: Because of what you did, you will disappoint Windows, and will spend all your resources, and you will have to use slow programs, and for centuries you will have to rely on the Programmer's help.
    18. And the Lord said to the Programmer: Because you listened to the User, you will never be happy. Your Programs will be full of errors, and you will need to correct them all over the centuries.
    19 And the Lord of the ERC shall put them out, and shut the doors, and shall pass over the passover.


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