Thursday, 26 October 2017

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By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: October 26, 2017
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  • If it hits a deserted island:
    two Italians and one Italian,two French and one French,two Germans and one German,two Greeks and one Greek,two English and one English,two Serbs and one Serb,two Eskimo and one Laplach,two Japanese and one Japanese,two Chinese and one Chinese,two Croats and one Croat,two Albanians and one Albanian,two Americans and one American,two Irish and one Irishone Jew and two Hebrews.

    A month later, on this magical desert island, in the midst of nowhere, there was a sting:
    One Italian killed another Italian for Italian.
    Two French and French women happily lived together in trophies and trophies.
    The two Germans strictly adhered to the weekly schedule of alternate visits to Germany.
    The two Greeks, in the meantime, collapsed and began to sleep together, and the Greeks cleaned them and cooked them, hoping to board a ship from Africa or India.
    The two Englishmen waited for the third English to present them to the lady.
    Two Serbs and Serbs immediately engaged politically. Three of them were founded by seven political parties: two Serbs and Serbs formed the Democratic Party of Serbia in exile, the Serb woman founded the Kolja of Serbian sisters in exile, two Serbs founded the Serbian Democratic Party in exile, one Serb and Serbs founded the Serbian Democratic Party for the International another Serb and Serb established the Democratic Party of Serbia for international relations, one Serb founded the Serbian Democratic Party for Human Rights and another Serb founded the Democratic Party of Serbia for the protection of the human environment. Due to their daily political obligations, they did not have time for other activities.

    The two Eskis were well aware of the endless ocean and Laponcus. Then they decided to swim.
    Two Japanese sent a fax to Tokyo asking for further instructions. Waiting for the answer, in the shadow of the shaking, Japan was depilated daily.
    The two Chinese opened a restaurant / herbal pharmacy / discount pizza / supermarket / laundry, and they succeeded in the twin Chinese devices to provide the necessary workforce for their store.
    Two Croats and Croats were given the founding of institutions and institutions: the Croatian Historical Institute, the Croatian Academy for the History of Croats and Croatia in Exile, the Croatian Office for the Collecting of Scientific Research on the Millennial Attendance of Croats in these parts, the Croatian Academy of Scientific History of the original Croatian language in Croatian Chancellor for the Study of the Original Croatian Writing in Persecution, Croatian University of Scientific Archeology of Croats and Croatia in Persecution, Matica Hrvatske u prokletstvu za odnose sa matičnim Hrvatom.
    Albanka wore four. The Albanians in the summit established a camp for military exercises aimed at protecting against Greater Serbian hegemony. In the breaks, they collected material for the Albanian encyclopedia about Albanians through centuries on empty islands.
    The two Americans initially seriously considered the benefits of suicide, because the American continued to deal with her body, exposed the true nature of feminism, with a reference to the so-called. gender equality, persuaded a session with her psychotherapist, talked about the need for fulfillment and realization, remembered her last boyfriend who took her thoughts and who treated her better than the two of them, about the division of housework, especially reflected on the relationship with her mother has advanced a lot, touched on tax policy, as well as weather conditions (English origin). Then the boys formed an intelligence service.
    The two Irons opened the basement of the pizza and began to drink coconuts. Since it has not been sober since then, it was not difficult for the English to convince them that the Irish actually divided the island into the North and South. She started to drink from the pain and Irkins.
    One Jew and two Jews did everything to fulfill God's command: "You multiply and fill the land." The first day the Jew began the stock exchange, the second day the bank, the third day of the supermarket, the fourth day travel agency, the fifth day film studio, the seventh day of the Jewish Conference for the Protection of Jews in the scattering, rested on the seventh day with two Jews and thought that one day, return to the 'promised land', give a contribution to the synagogue.


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