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By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: October 26, 2017
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  • The author of the text is Slobodan Đudurovic and the text is completely taken from the weekly NIN.
    There are so many advertisements that it's only a matter of just a few seconds remaining next to the TV and you'll see them screaming. Crazy Ameri was killed by making all kinds of programs of all kinds of genres possible, in order to somehow make people shout at the end of the cathode ray tube until the broadcasting period (which, by the way, is more accurate than the Swiss railroad), but who is to blame when they are silly. They did not break the stunt: wherever you find a nice place, a landing advertisement.
    The thing happens even more evenly, but it leaves significant consequences for the psychophysical health of the audience. So, you turned into a chair, like every passionate lover of a particular program, five minutes before it started (we were taught that the film lasts from the beginning of the announcement to the end of the outgoing clip), pizzas and cigarettes are on the table (who the popcorn popped them) and enjoyment can begin. Here's the ad in front of the announcing hub, but you're culminating, you realize that without a sponsor today nothing works and you thank God on sponsors that allow your favorite program to be shown. The best spica. And, here are the nice ladies with a new detergent. You do not get excited too much, and you've found out (and the knowledge is most important) that other detergents are small children compared to this one, and you do not bumps out that you have spilled black wine over the new trousers yesterday.
    The series has started and Mr. Mulder is just arriving for the latest case. He calls Miss Scala, he sits in the car and leaves. You turned to catch the lighter, and the next thing you see is some kind of coro behind the 206-seat convertible. What is it now, Mulder had just entered his Ford and headed for Wyoming, and now this coro pushes the shore on the Azur coast? Where is the unity of the place of action, who is the coro in the sledge, that he is not a killer ??? Soon you realize that this is a commercial for a dog, not a killer of supernatural powers. It's a bit easier, but frustration is starting. The action of the series continues, it becomes tense. Mulder enters a kind of dark hallway and has something to see: in the hallway, instead of the bits he seeks, a cup of coffee floats.
    What's this now, since they drink our coffee and what's going to go in the dark corridor? You understand the scam, caused by animation over Mulder's head, you are smuggling just the pronounced coffee, swearing that you will not even taste it just as kajmaklika. A cadre that convinces you that you are right and proud of yourself, you forget the EPP. But television is there to remind you. Kids hide phone marketing phone numbers, and you are already visibly upset, grabbing your head and asking as long as this; you mention parents to the owner of the TV station and members of the legislature who would have to regulate this advertising once in a while. You are fretfully grabbing the remote and switching to another program. One of them healed the hemorrhoids, and the neighbors boast a new tea.
    A little bit, you become neurotic. But, have a drug and no psychiatrist, do not despair. Buy a notebook and pencil in a dark color (the color fades well in the dark). Before starting your favorite program, along with other necessary things, keep the notebook and pencil on the table, as the fool is remembering, and smart writes. So, in the notebook, create sections for a particular type of broadcast. Let's say, if you are watching a football game (which you love cutting banners), type: who is playing with whom, whose colors are jerseys, which is the half-timing and who is pushing the ball on the side. From time to time (because you never know where the coro with the gun is being pulled), enter both the minutes, the score and who is currently in the attack. Such notes have proved to be useful in the fight against advertisements, especially with emissions of a more complex structure, which, of course, must record more relevant data to monitor the course of the action. With this basic information about the show you are following, you can also write your own comments and conclusions.
    Use cut-emission programs to write down data that you have not been able to enter up to then, and use the blocks of advertisements to recapulate events and to remind yourself of things that happened before the fall of a girl with very white teeth, because she uses a paste with 407 different extracts.
    (Author is a student of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, direction of FTV productions)


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